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Charlie Hayes
cosmotic, thelill'toaster, loserlamer, idontusenumbers
(and MissClit when I'm feeling naughty)
ce dot ceo at cybercoment dot com
AIM:idontusenumbers idontusenumbers
ICQ:7550559 7550559
ICQ:49739966 49739966
MSN:ce.ceo@cybercoment.com ce dot ceo at cybercoment dot com
Yahoo!:idontusenumbers idontusenumbers
Snail Mail
8510 Settlers Passage, Brecksville, OH 44141

It first started as a simple web site just to, you know, have a web site. Started posting news, learned how to program, started posting programs, learned how to build computers, started selling computers, wen't off to college, stopped selling computers.

The first version of the site was written in Microsoft Front Page, and was very simple. It lasted a year or so. The second version was quickly abandoned due to how much Front Page sucks. It was never published. The third version was written using Macromedia Flash. It was overly complex, and really cool, but was never used. The forth version was another Flash site, never uploaded. The fifth version was written using Macromedia Dreamweaver. This has been the site for about two or three years. The sixth revision was dynamic and better standards compliant. Plus, the name has changed from "Cybercom Enterprizes" to "cybercoment". We recently removed most useless content or poor content. What remains now is mostly a blog.

We changed hosts from CIHost (because they totally sucked) to ReadySetConnect, and now we share a virtual dedicated server with Keith Lea.



© cybercoment